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Title: Maternidad y el equilibrio ocupacional en personas con discapacidad.
Authors: Loor Suárez, Candy Emily
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Loor Suárez, C. E. (2024). Maternidad y el equilibrio ocupacional en personas con discapacidad. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0113
Abstract: Motherhood, biologically considered a natural process, can be socially interpreted as an obligation for many women according to their culture and beliefs. This perspective is accentuated in women with disabilities who choose motherhood, facing challenges that generate an occupational imbalance due to the lack of information and support. This study had the general objective of analyzing occupational balance in motherhood with disabilities, identifying needs and intervention strategies. The methodology used was a systematic review of descriptive design, based on the search and collection of articles in databases such as Google Scholar and Pubmed. The reviewed studies included interventions and support programs, evidencing the need for comprehensive support that transcends general health services. This project should include prior and specialized guidance to prepare women with disabilities for the challenges of motherhood. The results highlighted that women with disabilities face significant barriers to maintaining an occupational balance during motherhood, which affects their performance in daily life activities. The importance of occupational therapy was identified as a key tool to promote and prevent risks related to motherhood in this population group. In conclusion, specialized and multidisciplinary support, led by occupational therapy, is essential to ensure adequate development in maternal activities and improve the quality of life of women with disabilities.
Description: La maternidad, biológicamente considerada como un proceso natural, puede interpretarse socialmente como una obligación para muchas mujeres según su cultura y creencias. Esta perspectiva se acentúa en mujeres con discapacidad que optan por la maternidad, enfrentando desafíos que generan un desequilibrio ocupacional debido a la falta de información y apoyo.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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