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Title: Alteraciones fonoestomatognáticas en neonatos.
Authors: Mantuano Anchundia, Mayerlline Denisse
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mantuano Anchundia, M. D. (2024). Alteraciones fonoestomatognáticas en neonatos. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-FONOAUD;009
Abstract: Morbidity records are associated with risk factors that cause alterations in feeding,, oral muscle activities, orofacial reflexes, orofacial motor skills, sensorimotor skills and oral sensory integration, due to the deficit in the anatomy and physiology of the stomatognathic system. Therefore, the present project, called Phonostomatognathic Alterations in Neonates aims to determine the prevalence of risk factors that trigger Stomatognathic alterations in Neonates at a structural and/or functional level. For this, a systematic methodology was used through a bibliographic review where 45 documents were evaluated in: Google Scholar, PubMed, Dialnet, Areté, Redalyc, Scielo and repositories using keywords such as: Neonatal morbidity; oral reflexes; stomatognathic alterations; breastfeeding and speech therapy. The results obtained strongly indicate that risk factors generate negative complications for the growth and general development of oral skills of the newborn; with premature babies with low weight, congenital conditions, neurological and metabolic disorders are found to have highest prevalence. By this way, we conclude that risk factors generate phonostomatognathic alterations in the structural and functional aspects of the stomatognathic system triggering sucking-swallowing-breathing disorder, oropharyngeal dysphagia, oral dysfunctions and feeding difficulties that interfere with neonatal well-being, where speech therapy practices contribute significantly to the adequate development of the newborn, since it promotes facial, mandibular and lingual harmony allowing craniofacial growth at the bone, muscular and functional levels.
Description: Los registros de morbilidad están asociados a factores de riesgos que provocan alteraciones en la alimentación, actividades musculares orales, reflejos orofaciales, motricidad orofacial, habilidades sensoriomotoras e integración sensorial oral, debido al déficit en la anatomía y fisiología del sistema estomatognático.
Appears in Collections:FONOAUDIOLOGÍA

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