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Título : Fonoaudiología en el proceso de decanulación en pacientes traqueostomizados.
Autor : Roldán Loor, Ángel Yuletzi
Palabras clave : TRAQUEOSTOMÍA
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Roldán Loor, A. Y. (2024). Fonoaudiología en el proceso de decanulación en pacientes traqueostomizados. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-FONOAUD;012
Resumen : The present research, titled “Speech Therapy in the Decannulation Process of Tracheostomized Patients”, aims to explore the speech therapy techniques and protocols for decannulation in tracheostomized patients. It emphasizes the role of the speech therapist in the clinical assessment of decannulation criteria, highlighting their importance in understanding the functions related to the aerodigestive crossroads. A systematic review was conducted to gather updated and relevant information about the role of speech therapy in the clinical management of tracheostomized patients, providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact of speech therapy approaches on the decannulation process. The present study is based on a systematic and bibliographic review A tracheostomy is a surgical procedure where an opening is made in the trachea to insert a cannula, enabling direct airflow to the lungs due to an alteration or damage in the upper airway that prevents normal physiological function and requires prolonged mechanical ventilation. This may be caused by conditions such as respiratory failure, upper airway obstructions, or neuromotor disorders. Decannulation involves the definitive removal of the tracheostomy cannula, performed when the patient no longer requires prolonged mechanical ventilation and has regained the ability to breathe effectively and safely. The decision to proceed with decannulation is made by a multidisciplinary team through a comprehensive evaluation of the functions affected by the tracheostomy. Speech therapists play a critical role in assessing respiratory, swallowing, and phonatory functions. Proper evaluation reduces the risks of decannulation failure in tracheostomized patients.
Descripción : La presente investigación titulada ‘’Fonoaudiología en el proceso de decanulación en pacientes traqueostomizados’’ tiene como objetivo principal indagar en las técnicas y protocolos fonoaudiológicos de decanulación en pacientes traqueostomizados, destacando la participación del fonoaudiólogo en la valoración clínica de los criterios de decanulación en traqueostomía, subrayando la relevancia del profesional en el entendimiento de las funciones que abarca la encrucijada aerodigestiva.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6536
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