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Título : Marketing digital como estrategia de posicionamiento en las empresas comerciales de la parroquia Los Esteros del cantón Manta.
Autor : Aragundi Macias, Joselyn Jamileth
Palabras clave : MARKETING DIGITAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Aragundi Macias, J. J. (2024). Marketing digital como estrategia de posicionamiento en las empresas comerciales de la parroquia Los Esteros del cantón Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0351
Resumen : This research study on the impact of digital marketing on the positioning of commercial companies in the parish of Los Esteros, Canton of Manta, was developed using a descriptive methodological design. Initially projected for a sample of 100 companies, the research was finally carried out with 52 randomly selected companies, due to limitations of voluntary participation. The methodology used included a structured questionnaire that addressed strategic dimensions such as presence in social networks, use of email, digital advertising investment and production of online content. The data collection process considered fundamental ethical principles, guaranteeing confidentiality and obtaining informed consent from the participants. The analysis procedure focused on identifying patterns and trends in the adoption of digital marketing strategies among commercial businesses in the town. The electronic collection of information allowed for the generation of a comprehensive diagnosis of digital business practices. Among the main limitations, possible sampling biases and dependence on the veracity of the information provided by the participants were identified. However, the study offers significant perspectives for understanding the digital transformation of the local business fabric.
Descripción : El presente estudio investigativo sobre el impacto del marketing digital en el posicionamiento de empresas comerciales de la parroquia Los Esteros, Cantón de Manta, se desarrolló mediante un diseño metodológico descriptivo. Inicialmente proyectado para una muestra de 100 empresas, la investigación se ejecutó finalmente con 52 empresas seleccionadas aleatoriamente, debido a limitaciones de participación voluntaria.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6546
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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