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Título : La calidad de servicio y su influencia en la satisfacción de los clientes de la empresa Aefefilms, 2024.
Autor : Bravo Troya, Génesis Noemi
Palabras clave : CALIDAD DE SERVICIO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Bravo Troya, G. N. (2024). Análisis de la actividad turística de la comunidad Liguiqui, cantón Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0354
Resumen : The objective of this research was to identify how service quality influences customer satisfaction of the audiovisual company Aefefilms in the year 2024. To do this, a quantitative approach with a correlational scope and a non-experimental cross-sectional design was applied. The sample included 50 clients of the company, selected intentionally. Data collection was carried out using a 22-item questionnaire based on the Likert scale, evaluating dimensions such as tangible elements, reliability, responsiveness, security and empathy. To analyze and obtain the results, SPSS software was used, which allows for the results of the Rho Spearman correlation coefficient and the significance analysis. The instrument reached a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.975, guaranteeing high reliability. The results showed a significant correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction (Spearman's Rho = 0.839). Therefore, it was confirmed that service quality significantly influences the satisfaction of the company's customers, in such a way that the null hypothesis was confirmed and the alternative was accepted, the other results reflected the same in each of the studied dimensions.
Descripción : La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo Identificar cómo influye la calidad de servicio en la satisfacción de los clientes de la empresa audiovisual Aefefilms, 2024. Para la cual se aplicó un enfoque cuantitativo con alcance correlacional y un diseño no experimental de tipo transversal. La muestra incluyó 50 clientes de la empresa, seleccionados de manera intencional.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6549
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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