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Title: CRM y la experiencia de compra de los clientes en la Ferretería Central, Manta 2024.
Authors: Cedeño Indio, Darwin Fabian
Keywords: METODOLOGÍA (B41)
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Cedeño Indio, D. F. (2024). CRM y la experiencia de compra de los clientes en la Ferretería Central, Manta 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0360
Abstract: The present research on the influence of CRM on the shopping experience of customers at Ferretería Central, Manta, 2024, has the general objective of determining how customer relationship management affects this experience. Specific objectives were set to analyze the dimensions of identification, differentiation, interaction and personalization in relation to customer satisfaction. For this, a methodology with a quantitative approach was established, with a non-experimental correlational scope and a sample of 381 customers was studied. The results revealed a strong positive relationship between CRM and the shopping experience, with a Pearson correlation of 0.850. Among the dimensions evaluated, "Differentiate" showed the highest correlation (0.858), indicating that the hardware store's ability to recognize its customers is crucial for satisfaction. The dimensions "Interact" and "Identify" also presented significant correlations (0.847 and 0.782, respectively), underlining the importance of effective interaction and the identification of customer needs. On the other hand, the "Personalize" dimension had a lower correlation (0.629), suggesting areas for improvement in personalized attention. To optimize this dimension, an improvement proposal was applied that consisted of a strategy to improve the collection and analysis of data on customer preferences, as well as training for staff in research techniques. Overall, strengthening the personalization dimension, along with differentiation, interaction and identification, can comprehensively improve the shopping experience at Ferretería Central, thus increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Description: La presente investigación sobre la influencia del CRM en la experiencia de compra de los clientes en la Ferretería Central, Manta, 2024, tiene como objetivo general determinar cómo la gestión de relaciones con el cliente afecta esta experiencia. Se plantearon objetivos específicos para analizar las dimensiones de identificación, diferenciación, interacción y personalización en relación con la satisfacción del cliente.

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