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Título : Calidad de servicio y su influencia en la satisfacción del cliente en el laboratorio y bioanalisis clínico obmedical, Manta 2024.
Autor : Cevallos Marín, Douglas Alexander
Palabras clave : PRUEBA DE HIPÓTESIS
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Cevallos Marín, D. A. (2024). Calidad de servicio y su influencia en la satisfacción del cliente en el laboratorio y bioanalisis clínico obmedical, Manta 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0361
Resumen : This study supports the development of two variables: an independent variable represented by X quality of service and a dependent variable represented by Y customer satisfaction, a case study of a laboratory and Obmedical Clinical Bioanalysis. To determine the existence of the effect of X on Y, we begin with a review that proposes various theoretical approaches or antecedents models from different authors, which may be useful to evaluate the variable in question. Likewise, a methodological definition has been developed that suggests that the studies are carried out with quantitative, non-experimental-cross-sectional approaches of correlational scope. From this point, the application of a survey form with a sample of 360 customers is managed. The results were classified through a descriptive analysis to determine the importance that customers assign to different factors of service quality and the level of valuation they give them, in the same way, the Rho Spearman correlation statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS Statistics system, which focuses on testing general and specific hypothesis tests. Finally, a study was designed that proposes improvements in sustainable development, the conclusions and recommendations left by the culmination of this study were drafted.
Descripción : Este estudio apoya el desarrollo de dos variables: una variable independiente representada por X calidad de servicio y una variable dependiente representada por Y satisfacción del cliente, un estudio de caso de un laboratorio y Bioanálisis Clínico Obmedical. Para determinar la existencia del efecto de X sobre Y, se comienza con una revisión que proponga diversos enfoques teóricos o modelos de antecedentes de distintos autores, los cuales pueden ser útiles para evaluar la variable en cuestión.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6557
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