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Title: Creación y establecimiento de un Taller de confección de ropa urbana “Nasty Flow” en la ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Frías Mero, Jostin Brainer
Keywords: MODA
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Frías Mero, J. B. (2024). Creación y establecimiento de un Taller de confección de ropa urbana “Nasty Flow” en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM_ADM;0381
Abstract: The entrepreneurship project presented a proposal for the creation of "Nasty Flow", an urban clothing manufacturing workshop in Manta, Ecuador, aimed at young people between 15 and 35 years old. The main objective was to offer personalized and high-quality garments, aligned with urban fashion and local culture, promoting sustainability and cultural identity. Market research methods were used, including surveys conducted with 384 potential clients, to identify preferences and trends in the urban fashion sector. The survey results revealed a strong interest in local, sustainable and exclusively designed products. With an initial production capacity of 2,000 units per year, focused mainly on t-shirts and sweatshirts, “Nasty Flow” was projected as a key player in the fashion sector. In addition, innovative marketing strategies were proposed, such as collaborations with local artists, private events and limited editions, to connect emotionally with its target audience and strengthen its identity as a reference brand. This project analyzed how a strategic focus on design, customization and sustainable practices not only meets the expectations of the young consumer, but also aspired to revolutionize urban fashion in Manta, Ecuador, through authentic and contemporary proposals.
Description: El proyecto de emprendimiento presentó una propuesta para la creación de "Nasty Flow", un taller de confección de ropa urbana en Manta, Ecuador, dirigido a jóvenes de 15 a 35 años. El objetivo principal consistió en ofrecer prendas personalizadas y de alta calidad, alineadas con la moda urbana y la cultura local, promoviendo la sostenibilidad y la identidad cultural. Se emplearon métodos de investigación de mercado, entre ellos encuestas realizadas a 384 potenciales clientes, para identificar preferencias y tendencias en el sector de la moda urbana. Los resultados de las encuestas revelaron un fuerte interés por productos locales, sostenibles y diseñados con exclusividad.

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