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Title: Análisis situacional del sector emprendedor culinario de mujeres y el desarrollo económico en el cantón Manta.
Authors: Guzmán Cedeño, Nahomi Soledad
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Guzmán Cedeño, N. S. (2024). Análisis situacional del sector emprendedor culinario de mujeres y el desarrollo económico en el cantón Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM_ADM;0384
Abstract: The study aims to analyze the role of women in the culinary entrepreneurship sector in Manta, Ecuador. Recognized for its gastronomic wealth and entrepreneurial activity, Manta presents a scenario where the contribution of women has not been sufficiently explored. This analysis seeks to understand their impact on local development and provide inputs to design policies that promote their inclusion and success. Among the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs are gender biases, lack of financial training and specific training. Despite this, women entrepreneurs are valued for their innovation, resilience and teamwork, promoting job creation and economic growth. The culinary sector in Manta is characterized by its connection with cultural identity and the local community, where elements such as creativity and the use of regional products are fundamental. Variables such as training in business management, access to financing, competition and support networks are decisive for the development of this sector. This study seeks to offer practical recommendations to strengthen entrepreneurships led by women. The results highlight that Manta's culinary sector, with its rich tradition and the entrepreneurial spirit of its women, has great potential for local economic development. However, this potential has not yet been fully exploited due to various factors such as lack of access to resources, training and networking opportunities.
Description: El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el rol de las mujeres en el sector de emprendimiento culinario en el cantón Manta, Ecuador. Reconocido por su riqueza gastronómica y actividad emprendedora, Manta presenta un escenario donde la contribución de las mujeres no ha sido suficientemente explorada.

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