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Título : Plan de negocios para creación de granja avícola en comuna el Aromo.
Autor : Iza Zambrano, Luis Alberto
Palabras clave : MERCADO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Iza Zambrano, L. A. (2024). Plan de negocios para creación de granja avícola en comuna el Aromo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM_ADM;0386
Resumen : This business plan proposes the implementation of the "Vito" poultry farm in El Aromo, with the objective of offering high-quality eggs to the local market in Manta, under a sustainable approach that ensures animal welfare and ecological balance. Despite moderate competition in the coastal region, there is a significant opportunity to differentiate through responsible production practices and superior quality standards. The "Vito" farm will focus on sustainable practices, prioritizing the welfare of laying hens through adequate spaces, balanced nutrition, and optimal hygienic conditions. This will ensure the production of eggs with outstanding characteristics in freshness, texture, and size, which are key factors for consumers. Additionally, efficient processes will be implemented to reduce environmental impact by optimizing resource use and minimizing waste. Market analysis reveals an unmet demand in Manta, representing an opportunity to establish a strong market presence. A sustained increase in egg consumption is expected nationwide, driven by dietary trends and population growth. From a financial perspective, the project demonstrates feasibility and profitability, with a medium-term return on investment. Operational efficiency and differentiation in quality are expected to consolidate the farm in the market, ensuring stability and future expansion.
Descripción : RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El presente plan de negocio propone la implementación de la granja avícola "Vito" en El Aromo, con el objetivo de ofrecer huevos de alta calidad al mercado local de Manta, bajo un enfoque sostenible que garantice el bienestar animal y el equilibrio ecológico. A pesar de la moderada competencia en la región costera, existe una oportunidad significativa para diferenciarse mediante prácticas de producción responsable y estándares de calidad superiores.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6582
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