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Title: El rol del liderazgo inclusivo en trabajadores con discapacidad auditiva de empresas atuneras en Manta.
Authors: Macias Briones, Karen Dayana
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Macias Briones, K. D. (2024). El rol del liderazgo inclusivo en trabajadores con discapacidad auditiva de empresas atuneras en Manta. (Artículo académico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM_ADM;0389
Abstract: Given that inclusive leadership not only involved the integration of people with disabilities but also the creation of environments that allowed each individual to reach their full potential, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of inclusive leadership on the integration and performance of workers with hearing disabilities in Manta's tuna companies. It analyzed how the implemented inclusive strategies influenced their social and labor integration, as well as their performance in the workplace. A quantitative methodology with a non-experimental design was used. Data collection was carried out through structured surveys directed exclusively at workers, using the Likert scale to measure perceptions related to inclusion, performance, and barriers present in the work environment. The results showed that, although more than 50% of respondents perceived positive progress in inclusion, 43.9% were neutral regarding the support provided by leaders, evidencing a lack of visibility of inclusive policies. Additionally, 7.6% indicated that the available resources were insufficient to meet the specific needs of employees with hearing disabilities. These barriers limited full integration and optimal performance of the workers. It was concluded that inclusive strategies must be strengthened to overcome structural and attitudinal barriers. Implementing sustainable inclusive policies not only benefited employees with hearing disabilities but also contributed to strengthening organizational culture and increasing business productivity.
Description: Dado que el liderazgo inclusivo no solo implicó la integración de personas con discapacidad, sino también la creación de entornos que permitieran a cada individuo alcanzar su máximo potencial, este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto del liderazgo inclusivo en la integración y el desempeño de los trabajadores con discapacidad auditiva en las empresas atuneras de Manta. Se analizó cómo las estrategias inclusivas implementadas influyeron en su integración social y laboral, así como en su rendimiento en el entorno laboral.

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