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Title: Plan de negocios para la creación de una tienda de ropa basada en la moda coreana.
Authors: Manzano Demera, Emily Denisse
Keywords: COREANA
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Manzano Demera, E. D. (2024). Plan de negocios para la creación de una tienda de ropa basada en la moda coreana. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM_ADM;0393
Abstract: This work aims to evaluate the financial viability of a clothing store project based on Korean fashion, in order to determine its profitability and sustainability throughout the first years of operation. Korean fashion has gained popularity globally, and financial analysis seeks to understand the economic implications of this type of business in the local context. The focus of the business will be differentiation, offering exclusive products that are not easily found in the local market. With a business model based on physical and online sales, the aim is to attract an audience that seeks international trends with a local touch. A quantitative research study was carried out, which was based on some theoretical ideas and a field investigation, which, from a research sample, the questionnaire was directed to 268 people, who were part of the manta population. Likewise, marketing strategies designed to promote clothing with a Korean fashion design were proposed through social media trends. This study allowed us to know that 75% of those surveyed agree that there is a store in the city of Manta. of clothing based on Korean fashion. This project has an investment cost of $30,003.16. The results show that the project is profitable, with a positive NPV of $11,618.69 and an IRR of 19%, which exceeds the opportunity cost of 14.20%. Despite increases in merchandise costs and fixed expenses, cash flow remains positive throughout the analysis period, indicating long-term financial sustainability. In addition, projected sales show constant growth, reaching $150,483.37 in 2029.
Description: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar la viabilidad financiera de un proyecto de tienda de ropa basada en la moda coreana, con el fin de determinar su rentabilidad y sostenibilidad a lo largo de los primeros años de operación. La moda coreana ha ganado popularidad globalmente, y con el análisis financiero se busca comprender las implicaciones económicas de este tipo de negocio en el contexto local.

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