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Título : Plan de negocio para el mejoramiento de la gestión del servicio a través de medios tecnológicos en el transporte público, manta 2024.
Autor : Murillo Macías, Jéssica Belén
Palabras clave : NEGOCIO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Murillo Macías, J. B. (2024). Plan de negocio para el mejoramiento de la gestión del servicio a través de medios tecnológicos en el transporte público, manta 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM_ADM;0404
Resumen : The project proposed a business plan to improve the management of public transport in Manta, Ecuador, through the development of an innovative mobile application, this tool will provide approximate information about routes, schedules and bus stops, improving the experience of users by facilitating the planning of their trips, in addition, the application will integrate a feedback system that will allow users to express complaints and suggestions, promoting the continuous improvement of the service, the business model includes strategic alliances with the municipality and transport companies, as well as the incorporation of advertising to generate income, this approach responds to Current transport challenges in Manta such as the lack of punctuality, information and effective communication, as well as, to capture the opinion of people who use public transport, a methodology with a quantitative approach was implemented, in which a survey aimed at 391 people was carried out, a value that was predicted according to the equation determined for simple random probability sampling. Based on the market study and the surveys carried out, it is concluded that there is a high acceptance by users towards this technological solution. The project seeks to optimize operational efficiency and contribute to sustainable urban development, positioning itself as a key tool for the modernization of public transport in the city of Manta.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6600
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