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Title: Creación de taller de moda y confección de ropa ubicado en la ciudad de Salinas.
Authors: Panchana Galdea, Karen Estefanía
Keywords: MODA
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Panchana Galdea, K. E. (2024). Creación de taller de moda y confección de ropa ubicado en la ciudad de Salinas. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM_ADM;0408
Abstract: The world of fashion in the textile industry has developed in a transcendent way, currently there is little supply of formal and casual garments in the city, being this the main reason why the idea of creating a fashion and clothing workshop for formal and casual garments in the city of Salinas was proposed. The main purpose of this project is to determine its economic viability, based on the market study and financial analysis together with the financial evaluations that allow determining the profitability of the project. For the development of this project, the analysis of the market study was carried out in which an investigation of the target public was conducted, made up of 265 people between the ages of 15 to 55 years old, residents of the city of Salinas, a study in which information was obtained related to the needs and preferences of the consumer regarding the use of formal and casual garments in their activities. A financial study of the project was conducted, which resulted in an IRR of 16% higher than the opportunity cost of 11.57% and a positive NPV, which are positive indicators that demonstrate the viability and profitability of the project with budgets projected over five years. Once the project is completed, it is expected that it will serve as a guide for future research and development of new entrepreneurial projects, which, once started up, will generate local employment and diversify the local economy.
Description: El mundo de la moda en la industria textil se ha desarrollado de manera trascendente, actualmente existe poca oferta de prendas formales y casuales en la ciudad, siendo este el motivo principal por el cual se planteó la idea de creación de un taller de moda y confección de prendas formales y casuales en la ciudad de Salinas.

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