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Title: Análisis de efectividad y gestión en los procesos de contratación pública de la Empresa “MOVILIDAD DE MANTA-EP”.
Authors: Sánchez Pérez, María de los Ángeles
Keywords: PROCESOS
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Sánchez Pérez, M. A. (2024). Análisis de efectividad y gestión en los procesos de contratación pública de la Empresa “MOVILIDAD DE MANTA-EP”. (Artículo científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0426
Abstract: This scientific article was based on the analysis of the effectiveness and management of public procurement processes in the Company “MOVILIDAD DE MANTA-EP”. After the August 2021 reform that unified its municipal powers in matters of Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety, the company has carried out several contracting processes to guarantee efficiency in the use of public resources and achieve its institutional objectives. Using a mixed methodological approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, 179 procurement processes executed between January 2022 and December 2023 were examined. Non-probabilistic sampling was applied to exhaustively study each process, collecting data through the National Public Procurement System. and interviews with key officials and suppliers. The results revealed significant challenges such as the lack of staff training and delays in internal processes, although achievements were highlighted such as the increase in certified public procurement personnel and the reduction of the payable portfolio. The discussion focused on the importance of implementing good contracting practices to improve efficiency and transparency, thus strengthening public management and accountability. This study not only offered a critical evaluation of the contracting management of “MANTA-EP MOBILITY”, but also provided recommendations to optimize its processes and serve as a reference for other public companies facing similar challenges in Ecuador and the region.
Description: El presente articulo científico se basó en el análisis de la efectividad y gestión de los procesos de contratación pública en la Empresa “MOVILIDAD DE MANTA-EP”. Luego de la reforma de agosto de 2021 que unificó sus competencias municipales en materia de Movilidad, Transporte Terrestre, Tránsito y Seguridad Vial, la empresa ha realizados varios procesos de contratación para garantizar la eficiencia en el uso de recursos públicos y alcanzar sus objetivos institucionales.

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