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Title: Evaluación de diferentes dosis de fertilizante de urea en Cynodon Dactylon en el complejo deportivo D13 vía Chamanga-Pedernales.
Authors: Marcillo Ibarra, Cristhian Joel
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Marcillo Ibarra, C. J. (2024). Evaluación de diferentes dosis de fertilizante de urea en Cynodon Dactylon en el complejo deportivo D13 vía Chamanga-Pedernales. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Pedernales, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0399
Abstract: Urea, a high-concentration nitrogen fertilizer, is widely used in agriculture and gardening to stimulate plant growth. However, its application requires care to avoid damage to the grass and the environment. As an alternative, worm castings are presented as a more natural and sustainable option for fertilizing lawns. This study evaluated the impact of different treatments, including the application of urea at various doses, on the growth and development of grass intended for sports fields. The results demonstrated that the treatment with 120 kg/ha of urea was the most effective in promoting vigorous and healthy growth of the grass, evidenced by a significant increase in height, leaf density, dry weight and growth rate. These findings underline the importance of proper fertilization to optimize turf performance and ensure turf quality. However, it is essential to highlight that excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers can have negative effects on the environment. Therefore, it is recommended to explore more sustainable alternatives such as worm castings and optimize fertilizer doses to minimize their environmental impact. The results obtained open new perspectives for future research, allowing us to delve deeper into the molecular and physiological mechanisms that underlie the response of grass to different treatments. Furthermore, this information is of great value for the development of more sustainable and efficient agricultural practices, contributing to the conservation of natural resources.
Description: La urea, un fertilizante nitrogenado de alta concentración, es ampliamente utilizado en la agricultura y jardinería para estimular el crecimiento de las plantas. Sin embargo, su aplicación requiere cuidado para evitar daños al césped y al medio ambiente. Este estudio evaluó el impacto de diferentes tratamientos, incluyendo la aplicación de urea a diversas dosis, en el crecimiento y desarrollo del césped destinado a canchas deportivas.

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