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Title: Estudio poblacional y registro de la presencia de Pelliciera Benthamii en el estuario del rio Cojimíes cantón Pedernales.
Authors: Veintimilla Hernández, Javier Andrés
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Veintimilla Hernández, J. A. (2024). Estudio poblacional y registro de la presencia de Pelliciera Benthamii en el estuario del rio Cojimíes cantón Pedernales. (Tesis). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Pedernales, Manta, Ecuador.
Abstract: The population study and record of the presence of Pelliciera benthamii in the estuary of the Cojimíes River, Pedernales canton, focuses on investigating the distribution and abundance of this species within a specific mangrove ecosystem on the Ecuadorian coast. Pelliciera benthamii is a characteristic tree of Neotropical mangroves, adapted to saline conditions and tidal fluctuations the Cojimíes River estuary, located in the Pedernales canton, represents a potentially important habitat for this species due to its geomorphological and salinity conditions, ideal for the development of mangroves the study involves systematic sampling methods to determine the presence and population density of Pelliciera benthamii in different areas of the estuary the main objective of the study is to provide precise data on the spatial distribution of Pelliciera benthamii in the Cojimíes River estuary, as well as to estimate the age structure and size of the present population this will allow us to better understand the ecology of the species in this specific context and provide relevant information for the conservation and management of mangroves in the region the results obtained will serve as a scientific basis for the implementation of effective conservation strategies and the formulation of environmental policies aimed at protecting mangrove ecosystems and associated species, including Pelliciera benthamii, in the Cojimíes River estuary, Pedernales canton.
Description: El estudio poblacional y registro de la presencia de Pelliciera benthamii en el estuario del río Cojimíes, cantón Pedernales, se centra en investigar la distribución y la abundancia de esta especie dentro de un ecosistema de manglar específico en la costa ecuatoriana. Pelliciera benthamii es un árbol característico de los manglares neotropicales, adaptado a condiciones salinas y a las fluctuaciones de las mareas, el estuario del río Cojimíes, ubicado en el cantón Pedernales, representa un hábitat potencialmente importante para esta especie debido a sus condiciones geomorfológicas y de salinidad.
Appears in Collections:BIOLOGÍA PESQUERA

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