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Title: Requisitos para la internacionalización de PYMEs manufactureras de licor artesanal: caso licor 365.
Authors: Farfan Muentes, Liliana Dayerliz
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Farfan Muentes, L. D. (2024). Requisitos para la internacionalización de PYMEs manufactureras de licor artesanal: caso licor 365. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-COM;0174
Abstract: This study focusses on the internationalization of manufacturing PYMES, and the case of analysis is Licor Artesanal 365, produced in Ecuador. The key requirements for export are identified, including compliance with local and international regulations, such as quality certifications (HACCP, ISO) health registration, labeling tariffs and taxes. It is essential to manage permits with ARCSA, comply with labeling standards and ensure that products comply with the regulations of the destination country, such as alcohol limits and specific labeling. Exporting requires adapting the product to the demands of international markets, promoting its cultural origin and differentiating itself in quality. In addition, recommendations are highlighted such as training in foreign trade, conducting market studies and establishing alliances with local distributors. These actions are essential to overcome trade barriers, guarantee regulatory compliance and successfully position Licor Artesanal 365 in global markets.
Description: El presente estudio se enfoca en la internacionalización de PYMES manufactureras, tomando como caso de análisis el Licor Artesanal 365, elaborado en Ecuador. Se identifican los requisitos clave para exportar, incluyendo el cumplimiento de normativas locales e internacionales, como certificaciones de calidad (HACCP, ISO), registro sanitario, etiquetado, aranceles e impuestos.
Appears in Collections:COMERCIO EXTERIOR

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