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Title: Modelo de evaluación de la calidad del servicio de alimentos y bebidas en empresas hoteleras de la Parroquia Santa Marianita, cantón Manta.
Authors: Alvia Sánchez, Ángel Denilson
Vélez Vélez, José Andrés
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Alvia Sánchez, A. D. y Vélez Vélez, J. A. (2023). Modelo de evaluación de la calidad del servicio de alimentos y bebidas en empresas hoteleras de la Parroquia Santa Marianita, cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-HH;0002
Abstract: The research project called "Assessment Models of the quality of food and beverage service in hotel companies in the Santa Marianita parish of the Manta canton", is established as its main objective, to diagnose the quality assessment models that influence business development for Optimize resources and financial, in order to help recognize the benefits of the management of evaluation models. The methodology used for the development of this research was the field and the bibliographic, the same ones that allowed to make a theoretical database, and a real diagnosis of the current situation of the hotel companies, to promote business development to prioritize the management of economic and financial resources of the company; This investigative work came to the conclusion: that for there to be a development, quality assessment models must be applied in order to meet the intended objectives and commitments, for the fulfillment of the outlined objectives, where a methodology was used when applying the quantitative method, when carrying out the collection of information, analyzing and interpreting it, under the fulfillment of the objectives established on the subject under investigation, and quantitative when applying the surveys to the hotel companies in Santa Marianita.
Description: El proyecto de investigación denominado "Modelos de evaluación de la calidad del servicio de alimentos y bebidas en empresas hoteleras en la parroquia Santa Marianita del cantón Manta", se establece como objetivo principal, diagnosticar los modelos de evaluación de calidad que influye en desarrollo empresarial para optimizar los recursos financieros, a fin de contribuir a reconocer los beneficios de la gestión de los modelos de evaluación de la calidad.

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