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Título : Diagnóstico del uso de tecnologías internas en hoteles de la zona urbana del cantón Portoviejo.
Autor : Mendoza Oñate, Fabián Steve
Rivadeneira Pincay, Xavier Andrés
Palabras clave : HOTELES
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Mendoza Oñate, F. S. y Rivadeneira Pincay, X. A. (2023). Diagnóstico del uso de tecnologías internas en hoteles de la zona urbana del cantón Portoviejo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-HH;0016
Resumen : The objective of this research is to analyze the computer management processes applied by hotels in relation to the use of technologies and internal trends in hotels in the urban area of the Portoviejo canton, where Information Technology benefits business development, in this case in Portoviejo Hotels, which is sought in it, an improvement in management, productivity and competitiveness in their establishments. Therefore, the quantitative and qualitative methodology was used to recognize the competitiveness of the hotel sector of the Portoviejo canton, where as a sample, 4 3 and 4 star hotels in the city of Portoviejo were identified as the Hotel ''Máximo'', Boston , Ceibo Dorado and Ceibo Real, which resulted in the fact that they do not have the necessary internal tools for hotel management, which benefit their establishment, since they mostly only use social networks, but not internal tools such as the use of ICT in hotel management, so that it favors them in improving their management of reservations and their form of customer service, concluding that they must invest in expanding their knowledge in the application of ICTs and the training of personnel, in order to also monopolize a best image in trends, in the hotel tourism sector in the city of Portoviejo.
Descripción : La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los procesos de gestión informática que aplican los hoteles en relación al uso de tecnologías y tendencias internas en hoteles de la zona urbana del cantón Portoviejo, donde son las Tecnología de la Información que benefician al desarrollo empresarial, en este caso en los Hoteles de Portoviejo, lo cual se busca en ello, una mejora a la gestión, productividad y competitividad en sus establecimientos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4901

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