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dc.contributor.authorRezabala Ortiz, Pedro Daniel-
dc.identifier.citationRezabala Ortiz, P. D. (2023). Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una pastelería y repostería a ubicarse en el barrio Monterrey del cantón Montecristi. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionPara el presente trabajo investigativo se estableció como objetivo general el determinar el estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una pastelería y repostería a ubicarse en el Barrio Monterrey del cantón Montecristi con el propósito de generar empleo y a su vez ayudar al progreso y crecimiento del sector. Para el desarrollo del estudio de factibilidad del proyecto de emprendimiento se realizó un estudio de mercado, un estudio técnico y un estudio financiero, los mismos que contribuyeron a la identificación de la demanda insatisfecha, capacidad productiva y análisis económico-financiero que tendrá la empresa.es
dc.description.abstractThe general objective of this research project was to determine the feasibility study for the creation of a bakery and pastry shop to be located in the Monterrey neighborhood of the Montecristi canton in order to generate employment and in turn help the progress and growth of the sector. For the development of the feasibility study of the project, a market study, a technical study and a financial study were carried out, which contributed to the identification of the unsatisfied demand, productive capacity and economic-financial analysis that the company will have. The methodology used is quantitative, with a descriptive approach, the means of obtaining data are based on documentary and field data, due to the time of the research it will have a non- experimental design and the material for data collection is the survey. To know the sample, information from the last census conducted in 2010 was used, in which it was possible to identify the projections to 2020 that the body in charge makes, obtaining a population of 107,785 citizens, which resulted in a total of 383 surveys that were applied to the people of Montecristi Canton. The research conducted on the creation of a bakery and pastry shop to be located in the Monterrey neighborhood of the Montecristi canton concludes with the positive feasibility derived from each of the studies conducted.es
dc.titleEstudio de factibilidad para la creación de una pastelería y repostería a ubicarse en el barrio Monterrey del cantón Montecristi.es
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