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dc.contributor.authorGamboa Lucas, Celina Yamileth-
dc.identifier.citationGamboa Lucas, C. Y. (2021). Nivel de estrés en los internos de enfermería en el cuidado directo a pacientes durante la pandemia de Covid-19. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl mundo vive una situación de emergencia debido a la propagación de la enfermedad por COVID-19. Desde marzo del año 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró el carácter de pandemia. Como resultado del rápido incremento de casos confirmados y muertes, la población general y el personal de salud experimentaron problemas psicológicos, como ansiedad, depresión y estrés. El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la incidencia de los niveles de estrés en internos de enfermería en el cuidado directo a pacientes durante la pandemia de Covid-19 aplicando varios instrumentos entre ellos un test para medir los niveles de estrés, y así realizar un protocolo de capacitación para ayudar a manejarlo y mejorar la salud mental.es
dc.description.abstractThe world is experiencing an emergency situation due to the spread of the COVID-19 disease. Since March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the character of a pandemic. As a result of the rapid increase in confirmed cases and deaths, the general population and health personnel experienced psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression and stress. The objective of this research is to determine the incidence of stress levels in nursing interns in direct care of patients during the Covid-19 pandemic by applying several instruments, including a test to measure stress levels, and thus perform a training protocol to help manage it and improve mental health. The methodology used in the present descriptive and cross-sectional study was the theoretical method: Historical-Logical and Analytical-synthetic. Although scientific information on COVID-19 is constantly increasing, it focuses on the genetic and epidemiological aspects of the virus and on public health measures, leaving aside the possible effects on mental health. So far, the presence of anxiety, depression and reaction to stress has been reported in the general population. In addition, mental health problems have also been found in health personnel, especially in female professionals, nurses and those who work directly with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. The expected results are focused on confirming that there are levels of stress in the inmates and thus training them to take care of their emotional stability and their quality of care.es
dc.subjectSALUD MENTALes
dc.titleNivel de estrés en los internos de enfermería en el cuidado directo a pacientes durante la pandemia de Covid-19.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TESIS DE ENFERMERÍA

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