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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Toro, Melany Mishell-
dc.contributor.authorValdez Cedeño, Nubia Jazmín-
dc.identifier.citationGarcía Toro, M. M. y Valdez Cedeño, N. J. (2023). Identificación de los factores determinantes de éxito de la cadena de comercialización del sector porcino en el cantón Chone/Ecuador, periodo 2022- 2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl propósito de esta investigación incide en analizar las consecuencias generadas en la comercialización de la carne de cerdo debido a diversos factores que inciden en esta actividad, haciendo énfasis en el factor sanitario. A partir de esta premisa, se realizaron las respectivas investigaciones de campo, permitiendo así abordar la problemática, ante lo cual se utilizaron métodos empíricos (encuesta y entrevista), bibliográficos, estadísticos y teóricos. Dando como resultado de dicha indagación y observación de la información obtenida, que la producción porcina no logra posicionar sus productos en las grandes cadenas debido a la falta de técnicas de bioseguridad dentro de la actividad. Los productores no con consientes de las oportunidades a las que se limitan en promejoras de su producción debido al desconocimiento de mejores procesos sanitarios, limitándolos así a conseguir mejores mercados e inclusive exportar.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to analyze the consequences generated in the commercialization of pork due to various factors that affect this activity, emphasizing the health factor. Based on this premise, the respective field investigations were carried out, thus allowing the problem to be addressed, before which empirical methods (survey and interview), bibliographic, statistical and theoretical methods were used. Giving as a result of said inquiry and observation of the information obtained, that pig production fails to position its products in large chains due to the lack of biosafety techniques within the activity. Producers are not aware of the opportunities to which they are limited in improving their production due to ignorance of better sanitary processes, thus limiting them to get better markets and even export. Within the first chapter, the structure and bibliographic argumentation of the variables exposed within the project is established, thus facilitating its understanding. Based on the second chapter, the field diagnosis is established, before which an information collection method is determined, in this case a survey, which facilitates the knowledge and absorption of information based on swine production, said survey is directed to a specific sample of 73 producers. Within the third chapter, a biosafety manual is stipulated for this type of livestock activities, providing basic knowledge of it. Establishing as final point the fourth chapter that refers to the conclusions and recommendations obtained during the development of the project.es
dc.titleIdentificación de los factores determinantes de éxito de la cadena de comercialización del sector porcino en el cantón Chone/Ecuador, periodo 2022- 2023.es
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