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dc.contributor.authorCedeño Giler, Selena Geomara-
dc.identifier.citationCedeño Giler, S. G. (2023). Método UX para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles educativas en la básica elemental en el cantón El Carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEsta fue probada mediante una aplicación de prueba que nos sirvió de modelo para saber las herramientas que se unas en cada etapa de desarrollo de la metodología, llegando a la conclusión que resulto buena para las aplicaciones móviles, aún necesita correcciones para terminal de ser ágil. Pero empatiza muy bien y aprende correctamente de los errores del desarrollo, para así seguir iterando con más avances. Se pudieron además omitir etapas o unificarlas para agilizar aún más el proceso.es
dc.description.abstractThe development of applications has evolved to a point where it is accessible to anyone, so there is currently a lot of competition in the software market, with this new ways of keeping clients arise, such as custom designs, for this reason this study focuses on the approach of a UX design methodology for the design of educational mobile applications in the elementary school of the canton El Carmen, with the aim of validating its ffectiveness in this type of applications. There are many elemental elemental applications on the market, but the main problem is that the designs often do not hook the kids, when using it they do not understand what to do or the functionality ends up being complex. For this reason, the proposal of this methodology seeks to save empathy work by improving the design time of the application. It was also sought to know the point of view of an expert, so an interview with an acquaintance was chosen. Finally, taking the data from the file and propose a UX methodology based on design thinking, learn UX and others. To test the methodology, we proposed a fictitious educational application, to which a UX design was going to be created, with the help of many techniques in the methodology, its efficiency was concluded and they were improved to it. This was tested through a test application that requires us as a model to know the tools that are used at each stage of development of the methodology, reaching the conclusion that it is good for mobile applications, it still needs corrections for the terminal to be agile. But it empathizes very well and learns correctly from development mistakes, in order to continue iterating with more advances. You can also skip stages or unify them to further streamline the process.es
dc.subjectMETODOLOGÍA UXes
dc.titleMétodo UX para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles educativas en la básica elemental en el cantón El Carmen.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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