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dc.contributor.authorSantana Cusme, Jairo Rafael-
dc.identifier.citationSantana Cusme, J. R. (2023). Sistema informático para la comercialización de productos en el comercial “Súper Plaza Chirau”.(Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl desarrollo de un sistema para la comercialización de productos en el comercial “Súper Plaza Chirau” es el objetivo esperado en este proyecto, debido a esto se realizaron diferentes estudios para determinar la viabilidad del desarrollo de este sistema, sus características y las herramientas principales que le brindará al propietario para mejorar el rendimiento de su empresa.es
dc.description.abstractThe development of a system for the commercialization of products in the commercial "Super Plaza Chirau" is the expected objective in this project, due to this, different studies were carried out to determine the viability of the development of this system, its characteristics and the main tools that will provide the owner to improve the performance of his company. The commercial "Super Plaza Chirau" faces the problem of a saturation of clients during their working day, which cannot be supplied effectively by the staff because they do not have an dequate procedure for handling products, poor management in the sales process and do not use a reporting method that indicates the results of buying and selling their merchandise, for which the development of a product marketing system has been proposed in this project to improve the deficiencies in the commercial. To implement the solution to these problems, methodological investigations were carried out, among which the inductive-deductive method stands out because it allows us to objectively observe the object of study and the area of implementation. In addition, surveys and interviews were carried out to collect more detailed information from both the owners, workers and even customers.Thus allowing to implement the solution to this same problem that deals with a management system for the commercialization of products, which was developed under the method of software development in cascade, obtaining as a result a desktop program based on java itself that will be executed under the Windows operating system from version 8 or higher, which allows owners to improve control of their sales.es
dc.titleSistema informático para la comercialización de productos en el comercial “Súper Plaza Chirau”.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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