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dc.contributor.authorAvila Lucas, María Alejandra-
dc.identifier.citationAvila Lucas, M. A. (2022). Aplicación de técnicas contables e informáticas y su incidencia en la gestión financiera en la farmacia Santa Martha en la ciudad de Manta en el periodo 2021. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación tiene como finalidad el análisis de las técnicas contables y su incidencia en la gestión financiera en la Farmacia Santa Martha S.A de la ciudad de Manta en el año 2021, a través de esta investigación se determinó que el uso de estas técnicas es de vital importancia dentro de las organizaciones debido a que su uso facilita al contador y al gerente el manejo de la empresa y las decisiones que se tomen entorno a las ventas, ingresos, gastos, presupuestos, inventarios, proveedores entre otras actividades que se realizan en la empresa ayudando así que se tenga una mejor rentabilidad.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to analyze accounting techniques and their impact on financial management at Farmacia Santa Martha S.A in the city of Manta in 2021, through this research it was determined that the use of these techniques is of vital importance within organizations because its use makes it easier for the accountant and the manager to manage the company and the decisions that are made around sales, income, expenses, budgets, inventories, suppliers, among other activities that are carried out in the organization. company thus helping to have a better profitability. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate how the application of accounting and computer techniques can improve the financial management of a company and to provide specific recommendations for the successful implementation of these techniques. The project may be of interest to financial managers, accountants, and small business owners looking to improve the efficiency of their financial operations. The staff of the accounting area of the SANTA MARTHA S.A pharmacies were taken as a sample, and techniques such as the interview, the survey, documentary methods, analytes were used to be able to take the information and translate it into the present project, finding that the accounting and computer techniques significantly influence the financial management of the company. We can conclude that the use of accounting and computer techniques can be highly beneficial for the financial management of a company, as long as the appropriate tools are selected, personnel are trained, and systems are kept updated and in good working order.es
dc.titleAplicación de técnicas contables e informáticas y su incidencia en la gestión financiera en la farmacia Santa Martha en la ciudad de Manta en el periodo 2021.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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