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dc.contributor.authorAnchundia Macías, Dager Nicole-
dc.identifier.citationAnchundia Macías, D. N. (2022). Manual de Procedimientos para Bodega de la Empresa ELECTROBRIONES S.A., Manta 2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionUn Manual de Procedimientos incluye la información esencial y pertinente para que los empleados de la Empresa puedan llevar a cabo sus tareas de manera eficiente, cada procedimiento detalla las actividades que deben realizarse, junto con representaciones gráficas y otras variables de estudio que se han implementado para mejorar de manera integral los procesos documentados. En el presente proyecto de investigación, modalidad propuesta metodológica con el tema “Manual de procedimientos para el área de bodega de la empresa ELECTROBRIONES S.A. de la cuidad de Manta”.es
dc.description.abstractA Procedures Manual includes the essential and pertinent information for the Company's employees to carry out their tasks efficiently, each procedure details the activities to be performed, along with graphic representations and other study variables that have been implemented to comprehensively improve the documented processes. In this research project methodological proposal modality with the theme " Procedures manual for the warehouse area of the company ELECTROBRIONES S.A. of the city of Manta", aimed to nalyze the current situation, determine needs and establish the activities of the area to provide the necessary tools for the proper performance of employees. From the study, continuous inconveniences in the development of the activities were evidenced, the problem lies in the inefficiency and ineffectiveness within the company, caused by the lack of a tool that allows establishing the necessary guidelines for the development of the personnel, therefore, the development of the research is based on establishing a suitable and collaborative tool, so that the procedures of the company can be performed optimally and improving its management in the warehouse area. Finally, the elaboration of a Procedures Manual will have a positive impact and will allow to keep a record or guide of the procedures that the area executes, having a particular impact on the organization.es
dc.titleManual de Procedimientos para Bodega de la Empresa ELECTROBRIONES S.A., Manta 2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: GESTIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN GERENCIAL

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