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dc.contributor.authorCastro Barrezueta, Brigith Maholy-
dc.identifier.citationCastro Barrezueta, B. M. (2022). Diseño de una política que contribuya al mejoramiento de la difusión de la información interna en la Compañía Farmacéutica Vera S.A. 2022. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación prioriza las alternativas de solución ante la problemática detectada y se enfoca a dar cumplimiento al objetivo principal que radica en diseñar una política que propicie el mejoramiento de la difusión de información interna en COFARVE S.A.es
dc.description.abstractNowadays, companies recognize the information dissemination process as a fundamental element for their efficient and strategic operation. Since information is considered an intangible resource, companies seek to manage it effectively. This implies implementing policies and practices to guarantee the quality, confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Due to this, the present research prioritizes the solution alternatives to the detected problem and focuses on fulfilling the main objective, which is to design a policy that favors the improvement of the internal information dissemination in COFARVE S.A. The problem is framed within a context that includes several factors and circumstances that influence, as is the case of the business environment, the dissemination of information, policies and other relevant elements. In this way, an intensive analysis of the existing theoretical foundation in primary (articles, theses, essays) and secondary (textbooks and review articles) sources of information was carried out, as well as the interview technique, and among the instruments, questionnaire and observation guide. Among the most relevant conclusions of this project, it can be highlighted that the lack of a policy is having an impact on the dissemination of internal information within COFARVE S.A. The results obtained lead to identify the importance of designing this instrument appropriately.es
dc.titleDiseño de una política que contribuya al mejoramiento de la difusión de la información interna en la Compañía Farmacéutica Vera S.A. 2022.es
Aparece en las colecciones: GESTIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN GERENCIAL

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