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dc.contributor.authorDelgado Mero, Yandry Jesus-
dc.identifier.citationDelgado Mero, Y. J. (2023). Procesos informacionales para el levantamiento y recopilación de la información en la empresa EPAM, Manta 2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn las organizaciones los procesos informacionales para el levantamiento y recopilación de la información, deben ser los adecuados para permitir el flujo y el traslado de la información, para tomar decisiones acertadas en la organización, permitiendo el uso de los recursos de la misma, por lo cual se escogió en esta investigación a la Empresa Publica Aguas de Manta para determinar si los procesos que se llevan a cabo son los adecuados en cuanto a la información que se utiliza, cumpliendo correctamente las etapas que se realizan.es
dc.description.abstractIn organizations, the information processes for the collection and compilation of information must be adequate to allow the flow and transfer of information, to make the right decisions in the organization, allowing the use of its resources, for which the “Empresa Pública Aguas de Manta” was chosen in this investigation to determine if the processes that are carried out are adequate in terms of the information that is used, correctly complying with the stages that are carried out. Within this investigation, the informational processes will be detailed in terms of the activities of collecting, storing, processing and distributing information, these processes are the ones that are used in terms of the collection and compilation of information. Regarding the collection and collection of information, it is the process of obtaining the necessary data and organizing it in terms of the activity to be carried out, this can include different sources of research, such as articles, books through surveys, among other methods, the objective of this is to analyze and obtain accurate, detailed and complete information to analyze and make decisions, in the development of the research is the author's manifesto, about the subject. Therefore, this study will allow us to analyze the procedures used by the organization to identify the problem in terms of its information processes, this will be determined through mechanisms for the collection of information such as the survey of those involved in the Company, in addition to the interview that will allow us to detail the information processes in the organization.es
dc.titleProcesos informacionales para el levantamiento y recopilación de la información en la empresa EPAM, Manta 2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: GESTIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN GERENCIAL

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