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dc.contributor.authorQuijije Espinoza, Jonathan Wladimir-
dc.identifier.citationQuijije Espinoza, J. W. (2023). Intervención Social en mujeres migrantes víctimas de acoso sexual y psicológica del Barrio Tarqui del Cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa migración es uno de los principales fenómenos sociales que en los últimos años ha generado movilidad humana en los individuos para dar solución a los problemas políticos y económicos suscitados en su país, en este caso es necesario enfatizar que en el contexto venezolano en los últimos tiempos es donde mayor se han producido situaciones de migraciones; porque incluso durante el trayecto de movilización a otro país han sido víctimas de acoso sexual y psicológica por parte de personas que quisieron aprovecharse de los momentos de desesperación que vivían y viven aún en la actualidad.es
dc.description.abstractMigration is one of the main social phenomena that in recent years has generated human mobility in individuals to solve the political and economic problems raised in their country, in this case it is necessary to emphasize that in the Venezuelan context in recent times is where migration situations have occurred greatest; Because even during the journey of mobilization to another country they have been victims of sexual and psychological harassment by people who wanted to take advantage of the moments of desperation that they lived and still live today. The objective of this research was to investigate the Intervention carried out by the Social Worker of the Municipality of Manta with migrant women victims of sexual and psychological harassment of the Tarqui Neighborhood. The methodology was qualitative because data were collected based on the perceptions of key informants, it is important to mention that two types of techniques were applied, one was the interview applied to 5 migrant women and the social worker of the Municipality of Manta, the life history was also applied to 5 women victims of this problem. The results indicated that migrant women present double factors of vulnerability to their status as both women and migrants, especially because their rights are not respected in the spaces where they are. It is concluded that awareness strategies must definitely be applied to comprehensively ddress this problem and comprehensively guarantee their rights.es
dc.subjectACOSO SEXUALes
dc.titleIntervención Social en mujeres migrantes víctimas de acoso sexual y psicológica del Barrio Tarqui del Cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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