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dc.contributor.authorToala Rivera, Nayeli Marisel-
dc.identifier.citationToala Rivera, N. M. (2023). Gestión financiera y su incidencia en el nivel de endeudamiento de la comercializadora IMEXTUNACONP S.A. post COVID-19, periodo 2020 -2021. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar la gestión financiera y su incidencia en el nivel de endeudamiento de la Comercializadora IMEXTUNACONP S.A. post pandemia del COVID-19, periodo 2020-2021, que surge de la problemática planteada en la investigación, acerca de la ineficiencia de la gestión financiera en el pago de obligaciones a terceros, que ha elevado los índices de endeudamiento de la comercializadora IMEXTUNACONP S.A durante la pandemia del Covid-19.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate financial management and its impact on the level of indebtedness of Comercializadora IMEXTUNACONP S.A. postpandemic of COVID-19, period 2020-2021, which arises from the problems raised in the investigation, about the inefficiency of financial management in the payment of bligations to third parties, which has raised the indebtedness rates of the marketer IMEXTUNACONP S.A. during the Covid-19 pandemic.The methodology used is mixed, because it applies the inductive method by relating the information obtained with what the marketer has experienced, and the deductive method because it analyzes, through analysis and percentages, the financial impact that the company had due to Covid- 19; This methodology will be executed through research techniques such as observation, bibliographic sources, checklist on the area of accounts payable to the accountant, and interviewing the general manager on the most important economic-financial aspects of the company. These techniques will be used to collect information on the state in which the company is currently in relation to its finances, to determine the fluctuations in its levels of liquidity, profitability and indebtedness during the 2020-2021 period, and to be able to demonstrate the effect that the covid-19 pandemic had on them.es
dc.titleGestión financiera y su incidencia en el nivel de endeudamiento de la comercializadora IMEXTUNACONP S.A. post COVID-19, periodo 2020 -2021.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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