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dc.contributor.authorIndacochea Arteaga, Allison Tatiana-
dc.identifier.citationIndacochea Arteaga, A. T. (2018). Gestión de atención a los usuarios sobre temas contables, tributarios y financieros de la empresa InterAtlantic S.A y determinación de la satisfacción del cliente. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl proyecto investigativo desarrollado tiene como objeto evidenciar como influye una adecuada gestión de atención al cliente en asuntos tributarios, contables y financieros de la consultora InterAtlantic S.A en el manejo de su portafolio de prestación de servicios, esto con la finalidad de mejorar el contexto organizacional proporcionándole así directrices a la entidad para la mejora de la calidad en su gestión de servicio.es
dc.description.abstractThe research project developed aims to demonstrate how Adequate customer service management influences tax matters, accounting and financial services of the consulting firm InterAtlantic S.A in the management of its service provision portfolio, this with the purpose of improving the organizational context, thus providing guidelines to the entity for the improvement of quality in your service management. The determination of timely solutions is what guarantees the long-term permanence of professional services consultancies, but this This is the problem of some companies in this field, they do not have processes of management appropriate to the client's needs, which is why many times generate dissatisfaction in relation to the satisfaction of the service provided, that is For this reason, it is necessary to design comprehensive procedures aimed at the scope of organizational objectives. The methodology applied in this study is quantitative, due to that, a field investigation will be carried out through a process of gathering of information that can be analyzed to justify the hypothesis raised. The use of instruments such as surveys and interviews are essential as collection techniques to obtain results effective in the diagnostic phase. Through the presentation of results, the aim is to design a user service management model that improves procedures tax, accounting and financial when it comes to offering comprehensive solutions advice to the community with the aim of improving the management of care user.es
dc.titleGestión de atención a los usuarios sobre temas contables, tributarios y financieros de la empresa InterAtlantic S.A y determinación de la satisfacción del cliente.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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