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dc.contributor.authorParrales Anchundia, Ena Irene-
dc.identifier.citationParrales Anchundia, E. I. (2019). Sistematización de experiencias prácticas en el control de bienes muebles de la Facultad de Secretariado Ejecutivo de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí del Cantón Manta Provincia Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente documento sistematiza las experiencias prácticas referente al control de bienes muebles que se desarrolló en la Facultad de Secretariado Ejecutivo perteneciente a la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí del cantón Manta, Provincia de Manabí. Esta tuvo apertura entre el 11 de julio del 2017 al 29 de agosto del 2017 donde se realizaron actividades relacionadas a la carrera.es
dc.description.abstractThis document systematizes practical experiences regarding control of movable property that was developed at the Faculty of Executive Secretariat belonging to the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí in the Manta canton, Province of Manabí. This was opened between July 11, 2017 to July 29. August 2017 where activities related to the race were carried out. The main people involved in this investigative and systematic process are the officials of the Executive Secretariat faculty, specifically the service personnel who have the management and care of the goods as their custodian furniture intended for administrative-academic use. This practical experience was intended to provide administrative-accounting guidelines to the author for the development of effective procedures for personal property long-term and consolidate their pre-professional knowledge by applying it in the labor field, specifically in the efficient internal control of these long-lived assets and their auditable treatment in the public sector, thereby which solidified what was learned in class and acquired practical methods to solving problems in a timely and effective manner. With the development of this systematization, the result is expected to provide technical parameters for correct administration of the movable property of long duration in budgeting, acquisition, use, custody, depreciation, transfer, maintenance, and disposal of this asset within the faculty of executive secretarial, ULEAM.es
dc.titleSistematización de experiencias prácticas en el control de bienes muebles de la Facultad de Secretariado Ejecutivo de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí del Cantón Manta Provincia Manabí.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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