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dc.contributor.authorCarreño Quiroz, Génesis María-
dc.identifier.citationCarreño Quiroz, G. M. (2019). Seguridad y riesgos laborales en las actividades de restaurantes de la parroquia Santa Marianita del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl factor humano es esencial y la necesidad de seguridad es primaria en cualquier sistema de trabajo que se quiera desarrollar, por lo que, el conocimiento que tengan los trabajadores sobre los riesgos laborales que puedan presentarse durante las horas de trabajo, es un factor determinante. Por ello, es necesario que cada entidad o empresa realice una identificación y evaluación de los mismos para tomar las acciones preventivas y correctivas pertinentes.es
dc.description.abstractThe human factor is essential and the need for security is primary in any working system that we want to develop; accordingly, the knowledge that workers have about the occupational hazards that may happen during the working hours is a determining factor. Therefore, it is necessary that each institution or company perform an identification and evaluation of the risks in oder to take appropriate preventive and corrective actions. The present work aims to investigate the occupational risks present in the restaurants of Santa Marianita, Manta. For the collection of information, we used the technique of the survey, which allowed to inquire the risks that the workers face. Likewise, we applied the deductive inductive method in this research, starting from general to the particular problem, settling various occupational hazards and the safety of employees and employers. The 100% of the surveyed workers claim to have knowledge about safety and occupational hazards and 67% recognised that policies are followed by their employers to ensure their well-being. On the contrary, a very low percentage declared not having sufficient personal protective equipment to carry out their work. According to the results of this research, we recommended certain alternatives that will help these establishments to strengthen their safety system by achieving control of occupational hazards.es
dc.titleSeguridad y riesgos laborales en las actividades de restaurantes de la parroquia Santa Marianita del cantón Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: HOTELERÍA Y TURISMO

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