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dc.contributor.authorAlarcón Muñoz, Dayana Romina-
dc.identifier.citationAlarcón Muñoz, D. R. (2024). La economía circular como factor del desarrollo sostenible en el cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objetivo principal de esta investigación fue Analizar la influencia de la economía circular como factor del desarrollo sostenible en el cantón Chone. Además, se utilizaron una variedad de técnicas, metodologías y métodos fundamentales para la recopilación y procesamiento de datos; en las cuales se utilizó una investigación con enfoque cualitativo, con métodos inductivo, deductivo, y bibliográfico; se implementaron las técnicas de investigación de observación y encuesta.es
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research was to analyze the influence of the circular economy as a factor of sustainable development in the Chone cantón. In addition, a variety of fundamental techniques, methodologies and methods were used for data collection and processing; in which a research with a qualitative approach was used, with inductive, deductive, and bibliographic methods; Observation and survey research techniques were implemented. Subsequently, the necessary activities for each phase of the research were carried out; In the first phase, bibliographic information on the study variables was searched, and in the second phase, the corresponding instruments were used, such as observation and a planned survey using a questionnaire. Therefore, the main source of information was the survey of the group of merchants and entrepreneurs of the Chone canton that resulted from the statistical population calculation that was made up of 310 participants, with the objective of identifying knowledge or deficiencies, and subsequently resolving them. In the third stage, the conclusions and recommendations are established where it is established that there is a high degree of ignorance about the study variables, and the importance of the implementation of the circular economy and sustainable development; For which it was recommended to implement the pilot plan to establish strategies and solutions to the problems that exist, it is recommended to train or socialize the merchants and entrepreneurs of the Chone canton.es
dc.titleLa economía circular como factor del desarrollo sostenible en el cantón Chone.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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