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dc.contributor.authorBriones Ordoñez, Ernesto Darío-
dc.identifier.citationBriones Ordoñez, E. D. (2024). Exportación de malanga deshidratada hacia el mercado de Florida-Estados Unidos de Norte América. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa malanga en el Ecuador pertenece al grupo de los productos no tradicionales, es un tubérculo que brinda una alta cantidad de contenido nutricional como son el hierro, fibra, calcio y proteína, entre otros. Mediante estudios realizados acorde a la investigación se determinó la viabilidad comercial y financiera de llevar a cabo el “MODELO DE NEGOCIO PARA LA EXPORTACIÓN DE MALANGA DESHIDRATADA AL MERCADO DE FLORIDA, ESTADOS UNIDOS”es
dc.description.abstractMalanga in Ecuador belongs to the group of non-traditional products, it is a tuber that provides a high amount of nutritional content such as iron, fiber, calcium and protein, among others. Through studies carried out according to the research, determined the commercial and financial viability of carrying out the “BUSINESS MODEL FOR THE EXPORT OF DEHYDRATED TALO TO THE MARKET FLORIDA, UNITED STATES” given that the US market is considered a leader regarding the consumption of preserves made in an artisanal way and has the need to supply products to the existing demand in the target market. As a consequence The following results were obtained: The value proposition that was determined was to offer dehydrated Malanga, a product that is characterized by being natural, since healthy consumption is encouraged that It is one of the main concerns of the residents of said market; especially those who are in the age range of 6 to 64 years who consume products dehydrated, due to its high fiber content, it is an ally against reflux and constipation.es
dc.titleExportación de malanga deshidratada hacia el mercado de Florida-Estados Unidos de Norte América.es
Aparece en las colecciones: COMERCIO EXTERIOR

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