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dc.contributor.authorHolguín Saltos, Melanie Nicole-
dc.contributor.authorRivera Delgado, Gianella Stephany-
dc.identifier.citationHolguín Saltos, M. N. y Rivera Delgado, G. S. (2024). Modelo de negocio para la exportación de mix de marisco, hacia estados Unidos – New York. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente modelo de negocio nace bajo la idea de mejorar la economía de la ciudad de Manta y ofertar plazas de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta el estudio realizado para garantizar viabilidad comercial y financiamiento surge la idea “MODELO DE NEGOCIO PARA LA EXPORTACIÓN DE MIX DE MARISCOS HACIA ESTADOS UNIDOS-NEW YORK” puesto que el mercado estadounidense tiene múltiples beneficios para los productos de Ecuador, y el comercio bilateral entre ambos países facilita el envío del producto. Al ser Estados Unidos un país de gran tamaño hubo un análisis de diversas variables para delimitar al estado de New York.es
dc.description.abstractThis business model was born under the idea of ​​improving the economy of the city of Manta and offer job positions, taking into account the study carried out to guarantee viability commercial and financing the idea arises “BUSINESS MODEL FOR EXPORT OF SEAFOOD MIX TO THE UNITED STATES-NEW YORK” since the market American has multiple benefits for Ecuadorian products, and bilateral trade between both countries facilitates the shipping of the product. Since the United States is a large country There was an analysis of various variables to delimit the state of New York. For the development of the project, the determination of the value proposition was analyzed, which consists of the preparation and packaging of 1 kg bags of seafood mix: Tuna, Shrimp and Calamar, after that a field survey was carried out to collect information and establish key points to perfect the business model, such as the FOB value $11.50 allowing a distribution margin between 35% for the importer and 40% for the distributor for So the product has a selling price of $21.74. A period of 5 years was analyzed which shows that there will be a net production of 344,922 kg and there will be an annual increase in 1%. The location of the company will be on the Manta-Colisa road.es
dc.titleModelo de negocio para la exportación de mix de marisco, hacia estados Unidos – New York.es
Aparece en las colecciones: COMERCIO EXTERIOR

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