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dc.contributor.authorAcuña Lucas, Roberth Steven-
dc.identifier.citationAcuña Lucas, R. S. (2024). La influencia del compromiso organizacional en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa PROSERMAGUA S.A, en Manta, 2023. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación desarrolló la temática del compromiso organizacional y su influencia en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores utilizando como caso de estudio a la empresa PROSERMAGUA S.A, en Manta, 2023. 0054 tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la variable X compromiso organizacional, sobre Y Desempeño laboral. Para ello se desarrolló un estudio de alcance correlacional, diseño no experimental – transversal y de tipo cuantitativo.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research developed the theme of organizational commitment and its influence on the work performance of workers using the company PROSERMAGUA S.A, in Manta, 2023, as a case study. The objective was to determine the influence of the variable X organizational commitment, on Y Job performance. For this purpose, a study of correlational scope, non-experimental – cross-sectional and quantitative design was developed. The population studied was the total number of workers at PROSERMAGUA S.A. that is, 39 people. And the questionnaires developed by Meyer & Allen (1991) were used to measure work commitment where he proposes the dimensions of affective commitment, continuity commitment and normative commitment. Likewise, the theory developed by Chiavenato (2006) to identify the performance of workers where it is proposed to measure it according to the dimensions of; Planning, Responsibility, Initiative, Opportunity, Quality of work, Reliability/discretion, Interpersonal relationships and compliance with standards. After the statistical analysis, it was possible to determine the existence of a very high positive correlation between the variables studied, which is why it was generally concluded that the generated hypothesis is accepted and with this a positive answer is given to the research question initially posed. This study also determined that the variable that presents the greatest correlation is the one that is directly mentioned with the regulatory commitment since this is where the application of internal regulations, manuals, business policies, regulations, etc., the evaluation given by the collaborators to This dimension responds to the fact that performance is measured largely by detecting compliance with the regulatory demands of the organization towards the collaborator, in this way it can be understood that complying with the rules, regulations and demands of the company from the normative aspects It will make the commitment and therefore the performance of each collaborator more visible.es
dc.subjectMANUALES (A33)es
dc.subjectPRUEBA DE HIPÓTESIS (C12)es
dc.titleLa influencia del compromiso organizacional en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa PROSERMAGUA S.A, en Manta, 2023.es
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