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dc.contributor.authorBravo Moreira, Mariuxi Paola-
dc.identifier.citationBravo Moreira, M. P. (2024). Creación de una microempresa dedicada a la elaboración de ensaladas nutritivas personalizadas para personal de oficina en Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn primera instancia la microempresa “Manta Salads” contará con tres líneas de presentación del producto que son pequeño, mediano y grande, medidas que regularmente consumen los clientes la misma que se caracterizará por la personalización en los tamaños e ingredientes del producto a la medida de los clientes, ya que contará con la venta electrónica por medio de la cual tienen la opción de armar el menú a su elección.es
dc.description.abstractIn the first instance, the microenterprise "Manta Salads" will three lines of presentation of the product that are small, medium and large, which are measures that customers regularly consume, the same that is characterized by the customization in the sizes and ingredients of the product to the measure of the customers, since we have electronic sales through which they have the option of putting together the menu of their choice. Therefore, to evaluate the financial profitability of this business idea, a business plan was carried out that includes market analysis and research, which supports the need for the proposal that seeks to improve eating and healthy habits in the people who work daily in the offices, to economic study and evaluation.Through this study and economic evaluation, a promising IRR of 25% was obtained, in addition to a positive NPV,indicators that highlight the financial feasibility of the project, showing profitability and economic viability in a period of 5years Finally, what we seek with this project is to publicize a new product in the market with innovative presentations, thus seeking a new option for the customer. The main priority is to give the customer a good product with economic ease.es
dc.titleCreación de una microempresa dedicada a la elaboración de ensaladas nutritivas personalizadas para personal de oficina en Manta.es
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