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dc.contributor.authorArteaga Pisfil, Mayerli Yamilexy-
dc.contributor.authorMontesdeoca Cedeño, Abercio Josue-
dc.identifier.citationArteaga Pisfil, M. Y. y Montesdeoca Cedeño, A. J. (2024). Los microcreditos y el impacto en la productividad de los pescadores de la parroquia san mateo del cantón Manta. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa pesca artesanal en la parroquia San Mateo del cantón Manta es una actividad tradicional y esencial que forma parte de la identidad y cultura de la comunidad. A pesar de los desafíos que enfrenta, la resiliencia y el conocimiento de los pescadores artesanales son clave para garantizar un futuro sostenible para esta actividad. En este sentido, se propone el uso de microcréditos como una herramienta que puede impulsar el desarrollo y la productividad de este sector.es
dc.description.abstractArtisanal fishing in the San Mateo parish of Manta canton is a traditional and essential activity that is part of the community's identity and culture. Despite the challenges it faces, the resilience and knowledge of artisanal fishermen are key to ensuring a sustainable future for this activity. In this sense, the use of microcredits is proposed as a tool that can boost the development and productivity of this sector. Microcredit is a financial tool that has proven to be effective in boosting the growth of the general population, especially for microentrepreneurs and people with innovative ideas but with little capital to start their activities. Microcredits provide access to capital to those who would otherwise be unable to obtain it due to barriers such as bureaucracy and traditional financing requirements, which are often complicated and tedious. In short, artisanal fishing in the San Mateo parish of Manta canton is a crucial activity for the local economy and the cultural identity of the community. The use of microcredits can be an effective tool to boost the development and productivity of this sector, providing growth opportunities for artisanal fishermen and ensuring a sustainable future for this important activity.es
dc.titleLos microcreditos y el impacto en la productividad de los pescadores de la parroquia san mateo del cantón Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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