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dc.contributor.authorBravo Lino, Anderson Javier-
dc.identifier.citationBravo Lino, A. J. (2024). Caries Dental pacientes con síndrome de Down en Latinoamérica. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl síndrome de Down es una condición genética que afecta múltiples sistemas delorganismo, incluyendo la cavidad oral. Entre las complicaciones bucodentales más comunesen pacientes con síndrome de Down se encuentra la caries dental, una enfermedadmultifactorial caracterizada por la desmineralización progresiva del esmalte dental debido a laacción de ácidos producidos por bacterias. En Latinoamérica, se observa una prevalencia.es
dc.description.abstractDown syndrome is a genetic condition that affects multiple systems of the body, including the oral cavity. Among the most common oral complications in patients with Down syndrome is dental caries, a multifactorial disease characterized by progressive demineralization of dental enamel due to the action of acids produced by bacteria. In Latin America, a significant prevalence of dental caries is observed in individuals with Down syndrome, attributed to various factors. Among these, the presence of enamel hypoplasia stands out, a condition that weakens the protective layer of the tooth, as well as alterations in salivary secretion and oral hygiene, stemming from both physical and cognitive difficulties. The lack of access to specialized dental services and the limited awareness of the importance of oral care in this population also contribute to the high incidence of dental caries. This situation poses significant challenges in the oral health care of patients with Down syndrome in the region. To effectively address this issue, it is essential to implement comprehensive strategies that promote primary and secondary prevention of dental caries in this group of patients. This includes education on oral hygiene tailored to individual needs, the implementation of fluoridation and fissure sealing programs, as well as the promotion of regular visits to the dentist from an early age.es
dc.subjectSÍNDROME DE DOWNes
dc.subjectCAVIDAD ORALes
dc.subjectCARIES DENTALes
dc.titleCaries Dental pacientes con síndrome de Down en Latinoamérica.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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