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dc.contributor.authorCunalata Portilla, Paul Alexander-
dc.identifier.citationCunalata Portilla, P. A. (2023). Maloclusión relacionado con la postura corporal inadecuada. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionUna postura corporal inadecuada se considera una de las principales causas de trastornos miofuncionales en la región craneofacial. Cuando se produce una postura anormal de la cabeza y el cuello durante la etapa de crecimiento activo del paciente, el desarrollo normal de la estructura craneofacial puede verse alterado y en consecuencia producirse maloclusiones.es
dc.description.abstractImproper body posture is considered one of the main causes of myofunctional disorders in the craniofacial region. When an abnormal posture of the head and neck occurs during the patient's active growth stage, the normal development of the craniofacial structure may be altered and consequently malocclusions may occur. The objective was to determine the relationship between malocclusion and inadequate body posture. A systematic review was carried out in which 18 articles published between 2018 and 2024 were included, with a predominance of cross-sectional studies with eight articles. The results showed that body posture represents a risk factor for the development of malocclusions and is added to other environmental factors such as harmful oral habits and alterations in the chronology and sequence of dental eruption. Inappropriate body posture is variable and can cover situations such as head tilt, foot support, walking, the position of the spine, among others. All of these are factors that can influence the development of malocclusions. For the diagnosis of malocclusions mediated by inadequate body postures, clinical examination is important, but technological tools such as the baropodometric platform that measures stabilization and analysis of ground reaction forces during standing and walking are also necessary.es
dc.titleMaloclusión relacionado con la postura corporal inadecuada.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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