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dc.contributor.authorMera Molina, Dayana María-
dc.identifier.citationMera Molina, D. M. (2024). Impacto psicológico por traumatismos dentales en escolares y adolescentes. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl trauma alveolar es una lesión que al pasar el tiempo ha sido considerada una causa de inseguridad y miedo en los pacientes con una manifestación mayor en niños y en los adolescentes.es
dc.description.abstractAlveolar trauma is an injury that over time has been considered a cause of insecurity and fear in patients with a greater manifestation in children and adolescents. Dental trauma is an event that occurs very frequently and due to its great social and psychological impact, it should be considered a very important problem, taking into account that it also causes insecurity and emotional damage in the patient. These types of traumatic accidents can cause more severe damage such as pain, bleeding, and difficulty speaking or eating due to the trauma.. Objective: To analyze the psychological impact generated by dental trauma in schoolchildren and adolescents. Method: It corresponds to a systematic literature review study with the application of descriptive methods, through Google platforms and pages, etc. Results: : The prevalence of dental trauma in the studied group was 11.3%, with men being the most affected (57.9%). The most affected age group was 18 to 36 months (57.9%) and the upper central incisors were the most affected teeth (83.6%). Conclusion: The study concludes that approximately 24% of children under 14 years of age suffer some type of trauma to their anterior teeth. The main causes are falls (32.15%), sports practices (28.58%), car accidents, bicycle and skate crashes and domestic violence. Traumas are more frequent in men (69.4%-79%).es
dc.titleImpacto psicológico por traumatismos dentales en escolares y adolescenteses
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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