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dc.contributor.authorParedes Martínez, María Elizabeth-
dc.identifier.citationParedes Martínez, M. E. (2024). Relación del nivel socioeconómico con higiene bucodental en adolescentes. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa caries y las enfermedades periodontales tienen un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de las personas. Para la prevención de dichas enfermedades es necesario que se establezcan hábitos de higiene bucal con la finalidad de realizar un control mecánico de la placa bacteriana.es
dc.description.abstractCaries and periodontal diseases have a negative impact on people's quality of life. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to establish oral hygiene habits in order to carry out mechanical control of bacterial plaque. The objective was to analyze the relationship between socioeconomic level and oral hygiene in adolescents. A systematic review was carried out in which 20 articles that met the inclusion criteria were located, with cross- sectional studies being the most represented with 16 articles. The results showed that the oral hygiene practices of adolescents are the control of bacterial plaque through tooth brushing, flossing and interdental brushes. However, the use of these last two is very limited, since only one in 10 adolescents uses them. There are factors that influence adolescents to have greater responsibility for their oral hygiene and have better adherence to dental treatments, among them are the level of income and the number of people in the family group, the educational level of the parents and the beliefs about oral health. It is concluded that the lower the family income and the lower the educational level of the parents, the less responsible adolescents are with oral hygiene practices, which makes them more vulnerable to diseases such as caries and periodontal diseases.es
dc.subjectHIGIENE BUCALes
dc.titleRelación del nivel socioeconómico con higiene bucodental en adolescentes.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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