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dc.contributor.authorPionce Toala, Alexsandra-
dc.identifier.citationPionce Toala, A. (2024). Cirugía plástica periodontal como tratamiento de recesión gingival. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa recesión gingival (RG) se considera un inconveniente que progresa y se agrava con la edad, además tiene múltiples factores etiológicos. Actualmente, se han demostrado resultados altamente predecibles en su manejo mediante diversas técnicas de intervención quirúrgica.es
dc.description.abstractGingival recession (GR) is considered a problem that progresses and worsens with age and has multiple etiological factors. Currently, highly predictable results have been demonstrated in its management through various surgical intervention techniques. The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the clinical results of periodontal plastic surgery techniques as an indicated treatment in different types of gingival recession. A literature investigation was carried out and 14 articles with comparative in vitro clinical trials and a systemic review with meta-analysis were included. The most appropriate technique required by the patient's clinical status depends mainly on its severity, extension and the etiological factor. Mild cases of GR have a high predictability of root coverage and stability, they can be managed with the use of CTG+CAF, TUN or LPF; or the use of CPC+MDA or PRF, you can also use only PRF, and for greater success apply the VISTA+CM+PRF technique; in terms of aesthetics and clinical parameters, SVIT, CPC+ITC+EMD and the Bruno+MDA technique are excellent choices; on the other hand, the use of the VISTA+ITC technique allows the coating of GR and modification of the periodontal phenotype. The GUT technique and the application of CMX are the best alternative to cover multiple adjacent recessions; adjuvant photobiomodulation can even be used to increase the healing rate and patient comfort in the postoperative period. In more advanced cases of GR, the application of CAF+CTG and TUN+ CTG or EMD is preferable. Finally, for all GR classes, the PBFP in the posterior maxillary area and the FGG in the anterior mandibular area can be selected.es
dc.titleCirugía plástica periodontal como tratamiento de recesión gingival.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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