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dc.contributor.authorMendoza Chávez, Henrry Jasiel-
dc.contributor.authorPosligua Loor, Nayeli Cristina-
dc.identifier.citationMendoza Chávez, H. J. y Posligua Loor, N. C. (2024). La viabilidad de la Imputabilidad de los adolescentes por asesinato y sicariato en Ecuador (Índice de delitos 2021-2023). (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionDurante los últimos años en el Ecuador se ha evidenciado un incremento delincuencial considerablemente significante, la población nacional se ha visto abrumada por la delincuencia y actos delictivos que han producido un contexto social de total inseguridad e incertidumbre.es
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Ecuador has witnessed a significant increase in criminal activity. The national population has been overwhelmed by crime and criminal acts, creating a social context of total insecurity and uncertainty. This rise in violence is reflected in the figures provided by the INEC (National Institute of Statistics and Census) related to the country's overall security, as well as in the annual data collected from various public institutions. According to the public annual report provided by the INEC, conducted by the Commission on Citizen Security and Justice Statistics, the most notable crime during the period from 2021 to 2023 was "intentional homicides" (INEC, 2024), a term that encompasses crimes such as murder, contract killing, homicide, and femicide. As a point of comparison and precedent, it is noted that during 2019 and 2020, the total number of "intentional homicides" was 2,561 (INEC, 2024). Within the timeframe of this investigation, the following data were collected: In 2021, there were a total of 2,495 "intentional homicides." In 2022, this number rose to 4,885, indicating that this type of crime increased by approximately 95.8% between 2021 and 2022. Finally, in 2023, "intentional homicides" in Ecuador reached a total of 8,202, representing a 228.7% increase between 2021 and 2023 (INEC, 2024). Furthermore, as a result of the rise in criminality in Ecuador, the participation of adolescents in criminal gangs has significantly increased over the past three years, along with their involvement in serious crimes such as murder and contract killing (Ecuavisa, 2024). This fact is corroborated by news reports from various national and international media outlets (Primicias, El Universo, Infobae, and InSight Crime), as well as by official figures issued by the National Service for Comprehensive Attention to Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders. The immunity of this social group from the penalties established in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code is one of the factors for which they are "recruited" by criminal gangs and used to carry out these types of criminal acts.es
dc.titleLa viabilidad de la Imputabilidad de los adolescentes por asesinato y sicariato en Ecuador (Índice de delitos 2021-2023)es
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