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dc.contributor.authorSantana Alay, Luis Alberto-
dc.identifier.citationSantana Alay, L. A. (2024). El derecho a la inviolabilidad de la vida, en referencia a la despenalización del aborto por violación en ecuador año 2021. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa vida es un derecho fundamental, el primero de todos los derechos si consideramos al titular de este, como generador de cualquier otro derecho posible. En este sentido, es inviolable y no admite excepción alguna; es decir, se tutela tanto en el ámbito privado como en el público a fin de cubrir la dimensión personal.es
dc.description.abstractLife is a fundamental right, the first of all rights if we consider the holder of it as the generator of any other possible right. In this sense, it is inviolable and does not admit any exceptions, that is, it is protected both in the private and public spheres in order to cover the personal dimension, so that in the face of an abortion, the State must consider the necessary conditions where guarantee all women appropriate medical attention. This work is proposed with the objective of studying the right to the inviolability of life, in reference to the decriminalization of abortion for rape in Ecuador in 2021, the methodology used is located in the methods: descriptive, deductive and bibliographic based on the carrying out an analysis on the subject, which was possible through the interpretation of secondary sources and current legal norms, which scientifically support the established objectives. With this investigation, it was possible to conclude that a violation of rights is committed against pregnant women as the reasons for which they can access a safe abortion are limited and that sentence No. 34-19-IN/21, studied, sets a precedent through which it is possible to observe the lack of proportionality between the crime and the sanction when it comes to abortion. The objective of this sentence is not for or against abortion, but rather to understand the violation of rights that is caused to women.es
dc.titleEl derecho a la inviolabilidad de la vida, en referencia a la despenalización del aborto por violación en ecuador año 2021.es
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