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dc.contributor.authorBriones Pazmiño, Elías Gabriel-
dc.identifier.citationBriones Pazmiño, E. G. (2022). Centro de diversión con juegos de consolas y visores realistas para personas adultas. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente proyecto consiste en determinar a través de un estudio de factibilidad para implementar un centro de diversión con juegos de consolas y visores realistas para personas adultas en la ciudad de Manta.es
dc.description.abstractThe present project consists of determining through a feasibility study to implement a fun center with console games and realistic viewers for adults in the city of Manta. An analysis of the environment where the present project will be developed was carried out, fulfilling the general objective and the specific objectives set, evaluated through market research using the survey method where the results will allow strategies to be carried out so that the project is more competitive in the current market that makes up the segmentation, methods and positioning that will limit the service, price and promotions. Additionally, a financial analysis was carried out that demonstrated the feasibility and viability of the undertaking with the following results; With a NPV of $50,141.07 US dollars and an IRR of 37% higher at the discount rate, this result means that the amusement center with game consoles and realistic viewers is profitable and viable to invest, bearing in mind that the investment is recovered from the fourth year of operation with a cost-benefit ratio that indicates that for every dollar invested the business will obtain $1.43 ctv.es
dc.titleCentro de diversión con juegos de consolas y visores realistas para personas adultas.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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