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Título : Análisis de calidad de servicios que ofrecen los comerciantes del mercado central de Manta.
Autor : Carrillo Pincay, Mariela Stefanía
Palabras clave : CALIDAD
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Carrillo Pincay, M. S. (2022). Análisis de calidad de servicios que ofrecen los comerciantes del mercado central de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0259
Resumen : This research project was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the quality of service provided by the merchants of the Central Market of Manta. Therefore, the research carried out is of a descriptive type, where the main methods used were of a quantitative, non-experimental nature and that of the survey, in which a Likert scale was used aimed at customers who come to the market, was applied the Servqual Model that serves to measure the quality of service and allows evaluating the perception that users have. This model consists of 20 closed questions based on the five dimensions which are: tangible elements, reliability, responsiveness, security and empathy. 384 surveys were carried out and with the information obtained, a data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics, presented in tables and graphs that were interpreted to draw conclusions and recommendations. Among the results, deficiencies in the appearance, cleanliness and safety of commercial premises were identified at the time that customers are going to acquire the products or the service within the market. A proposal based on strategies was proposed to improve the quality of service and the expectations that customers of the Central Market of the city of Manta have.
Descripción : La investigación realizada es de tipo descriptivo, donde los principales métodos utilizados fueron de carácter cuantitativo, no experimental y el de la encuesta, en el cual se utilizó una escala de Likert dirigida a los clientes que acuden al mercado, se aplicó el Modelo Servqual que sirve para medir la calidad de servicio y permite evaluar la percepción que tienen los usuarios.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5957
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