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dc.contributor.authorMieles Sánchez, Jennifer Viviana-
dc.identifier.citationMieles Sánchez, J. V. (2022). Los centros de Belleza y su aporte a la economía en la Ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación la cual tiene como único objetivo, analizar los centros de belleza y su aporte a la economía de manta, después de un largo análisis y un estudio detallado dio resultados muy favorables para nuestra investigación, los cuales fueron posibles gracias a los conocimientos de la investigación y las metodologías de la investigación, las cuales se nos han inculcado para saber la manera correcta de realizar este proyecto.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research which has as its sole objective, to analyze the beauty centers and their contribution to the economy of blanket, after a long analysis and a detailed study gave very favorable results for our research, which were possible thanks to the knowledge of the research and the methodologies of the research, which have been instilled in us to know the correct way to carry out this project. Within this market in which we are venturing we have seen the need to do several types of research to thus achieve more accurate values, once the corresponding studies and analyses were carried out we obtained as results that in the city of manta, there are 72 professional beauty centers as an important fact we only take into account beauty centers or recognized hairdressers, part of this study is based on professional centers in this way we know that the work and service that will be delivered by us are of the same quality of the competitors. Based on the results obtained, each of these centers have come to have a good acceptance by the female population, part of our future clientele will be directed towards this specific sector, it is worth mentioning according to the results obtained from the beauty centers were economically favorable for the city of manta, in this way it is possible to encourage women to obtain a profession, which favors economically her and in the same way to the city that motivates growth and also progress.es
dc.titleLos centros de Belleza y su aporte a la economía en la Ciudad de Manta.es
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